The AgriSkills project aims to strengthen the sustainable development of agriculture in Europe by raising awareness about the digitalization trends in agriculture, identifying the current needs for digitalization in Agriculture and capacity building for agricultural development using innovative solutions and technologies.
Expected Outcomes:
- AgriSkills Modular Training Course: The learning and training program developed in a digitally supported scheme containing five interactive learning modules dedicated for digitalization in agriculture, guiding the learners through the whole process in an easy–to-understand-and-to manage way.
- AgriSkills e-Learning Platform: It will be organized as an online and offline training enabler. It will be used as a virtual learning environment where our target groups as users will be able to find the training materials and to participate in learning activities.
- AgriSkills Reference Catalogue: The result will be a well elaborated and published catalogue with collected good practices references for all stakeholders acting in the farming area.