The first intellectual output is the development of a common framework (including a method do detect) Core Personal Skills required by companies. The creation of skills maps, both in universities and in companies, are important to adapt the core skills selected to labor reality adapted to the socio-economic environment.
The second intellectual output closely linked with the common framework, designated by Core Skills Assessments set for level of proficiency considers and valorizes the experience of the person, such as learning process and personal growth, especially in the acquisition and strengthening of those core skills. The development of an assessment tool valid for both students and organizations is essential on the Project.
The third intellectual output of the project is a E-Platform will serve as the concrete bridge between Higher Education Institutions and companies. This IO produced for members of the Project, based on universities and companies survey and further research, prepared in a form adjusted to active methods of learning.
The fourth intellectual output devotes attention to the promotion and self-promotion to consolidate and give visibility to the student’s core skills, properly evaluated, through instruments of empowerment by encouraging the search for a job suitable to their own profile. The Promotion and Self-Promotion Tool willprovide a detailed description of the intervention in all its phases and activities.
The fifth intellectual output aim to provide improvements to the CoSki21 Project, through suggestions coming directly from the endusers and through the implementation among trainers in soft skills training measure during the testing period.

Erasmus+ Programme
Project Number: 2017-1-ES01-KA203-038589
Project Duration: November 2017 until October 2019
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