The three major project outputs are the catalogue, the database, and a blog. Their implementation has been set to take place at different milestones throughout the project duration. While the discussion forum has already been implemented as the first part of the project, the integration of the other two outputs will require more attention and therefore will take place during the second half of the project.
- The first output to be established was the blog. It was implemented in July 2020 and is supposed to facilitate the exchange between VET educators and counsellors working with vulnerable young people or with the integration of young refugees and migrants.
- The database is the second output, consisting of “good practice” initiatives and materials, concerning awareness raising, training activities and didactic tools combating radicalisation that can be used by vocational teachers, trainers, and counsellors. The implementation of the database is planned for autumn / winter 2020.
- The final output will be the catalogue “Prevention of Youth Radicalisation in Practice”. It will give an overview, with explanations in all languages, about the current situation of the specific project environment in the partners’ countries. Furthermore, it will provide effective support to help vulnerable young people and to prevent them from being drawn into terrorist organisations and movements.
If you know of an interesting best practice which is not yet included in this project, please contact one of theproject partners!