

A Good Practice from Austria, Finland, Italy and Spain

EUStartGees is a co-financed programme by the European Union to support young refugees to design, develop and grow their business ideas and build successful enterprises. The programme is focused on young refugees and has identified entrepreneurship or self-employment as an opportunity to succeed in their hosting community. EUStartGees has designed a support programme, that aims to offer specialised training and mentoring. This includes the promotion of professional competences, support in growing and setting up migrant’s businesses from the idea stage as well as developing MVPs (Minimum ViableProducts) to pre-launch their product to the market.

In order to do so, EUStartGees will be providing a network of support for refugee entrepreneurs, developed by the Consortium partners, so refugees can have access to specialists, complimentary workshops, meet-ups, and co-working spaces. The programme will be divided into 3 main stages:

  • Assessment of the initial idea and motivation – identifying own strength and weaknesses, practicing teamwork skills: teaming up, collaboration and problem solving, accept diversity, develop emotional intelligence, giving and receiving feedbacks, understanding the benefits of collaboration for establishing and running a company;
  • Incubation process and validation of the main product – customers, customer’ needs, creating a solution with business, marketing, accounting, legal issues for a small enterprise, funding a company, testing a business idea, business plan, preparing a pitch;
  • The acceleration process to boost your business – funding, testing a business idea, business plan, preparing a pitch.


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