The number of persons in Europe suffering from PTSS is likely to increase in the years to come. The most important causes this project will address include conflict-related refugee flows and other migratory trajectories, Covid 19 and its consequences, and natural disasters like earthquakes, fires, floods, and volcano eruptions.
Thorough needs analyses tell us that especially in the public sector many professions are confronted in their work with clients who have PTSS. These professionals have their specific professional experience but no medical or psychiatric training on how to deal with a person who suffers from PTSS.
Consequently, they frequently misjudge their clients. A trauma-informed approach recognizes the presence of trauma symptoms and acknowledges the role that trauma has played in an individual’s life and requires a change in paradigm from asking ‘What’s wrong with you?’ to asking ‘What has happened to you?’. Implementing trauma-informed counselling helps service professionals to recognize, understand and appropriately respond to the effects of trauma.
This project has a three-fold objective: (1) to raise awareness about the occurrence of PTSS with professionals working in the public sector, (2) to equip them with skills for identifying PTSS among their clients, promoting their inclusion, and reducing barriers linked to discrimination, and (3) to improve the service and counselling work by professionals working in the public sector.
Website: https://trauma-informed-practice.eu